Rum för performance

Dry Fish – YoungSoon Cho Jaquet (Sydkorea/Schweiz)

Dry Fish is a performance focusing on memories and origin. The artist investigates the impression of being in another place than the place of one’s origin, and to be confronted with culture and memories.

YoungSoon Choo Jaquet comes from Korea and today she lives in Europe. She does not want to exoticize the Korean traditions, instead her intentions are to question our nostalgic approach towards our past and our memories. During the performance YoungSoon dresses up in dry fish and it gives her images of the past.

Three elements function as keys to my performance: the exploration of different relations with the viewer, the creation of a link between Asiatic and Occidental art and a persisting attention towards memory and origins. I am not trying to transmit my personal experience as a Korean living in Europe or to exhibit the folkloric particularities of my tradition. But witnessing and being part of a gap, I aim to put the viewer in a situation where he could confront himself with his own memory and culture. If it is built in an atmosphere of sharing, I believe that the presentation of an idiosyncrasy and a shift allows us to question our attachment to a culture and our relation with our past and our memories.

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Title: Rum för performance


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