Gaga for the people

Gaga for the people

Gaga härstammar från idéen om rörelsens dynamiska, läkande och ständigt föränderliga kraft, utvecklat av den israeliske koregrafen Ohad Naharin. Metoden ger tillfälle att utforska och upptäcka kroppens oändliga rörelsemöjligheter, utmana våra vanor och ovanor samtidigt som vi kommer i kontakt med våra sinnen och inre fantasier. Metoden öppnar upp för lyssnandet till kroppens egna förmågor, och utforskandet inom ett brett spektrum av olika texturer, kvaliteter och rörelser. Gagametoden ger en upplevelse av frihet, var och en med sig själv tillsammans med andra.

Boka fribiljett


Titel: Gaga for the people



Tidigare tillfällen

Gaga/people classes are open to people ages 16+, regardless of their background in dance or movement.

– Lee Brummer


Gaga/people classes offer a framework for users to connect to their bodies and imaginations, experience physical sensations, improve their flexibility and stamina, exercise their agility and explosive power, and enjoy the pleasure of movement in a welcoming, accepting atmosphere.

Throughout the class, participants are guided by a series of evocative instructions deployed to increase awareness of and further amplify sensation. Rather than turning from one prompt to another, information is layered, building into a multisensory, physically challenging experience. While many instructions are imbued with rich imagery, the research of Gaga is fundamentally physical, insisting on a specific process of embodiment. Inside this shared research, the improvisational nature of the exploration enables each participant’s deeply personal connection with Gaga.


Om Lee Brummer

Lee Brummer is an independent choreographer, international guest teacher and educator as well as the Co-Founder and Associate Director of Gothenburg based dance company, ilDance.

As a performer she danced with the Bat Dor Dance Company (Israel), The Emanuel Gat Dance Company (Israel) and with various independent choreographers across Europe. She has worked as choreographer’s assistant in a variety of dance productions and musicals in Sweden and abroad. She completed her BA-Dance and teaching degree at The Jerusalem Academy of Music & Dance and has studied psychology, theatre and pilates alongside her career as a dancer and choreographer.

Over the years Brummer has been teaching and working with companies such as: DV8, Australian Dance Theatre, Sydney Dance Company, National Dance Company Wales and Norrdans to name a few. Additionally she has been guest teaching open professional classes and at universities and schools worldwide and workings as a mentor for young and emerging artists.

