Re–Think festivalen

Fyra korta konstfilmer – Ana Prvački

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På humoristiskt allvar om pandemins sociala konsekvenser och bristen på bin.
Slå dig ner i foajén och bekanta dig med den kritikerrosade serbiska konstnären Ana Prvački, numera bosatt i Berlin. Med sin bakgrund inom musik, maskdesign, arkitektur och biodling, är hon en ovanligt mångsidig konstnär som också skapar konst i en mängd olika format, inte minst performance och video. På Re-Think har vi nöjet visa fyra kortfilmer av Ana Prvački, Pandemic Trilogy där hon presenterar lösningar på några av problemen i pandemins kölvatten och Hand Pollination Glove där hon demonstrerar en handske som kan användas för att pollinera blommor när inga bin längre finns.

Plats: Norrlandsoperans foajé

I commit to making my work as round as the earth and my performances as compressed as water. I aim for pedagogical meme pollination and maximum viewer titillation.

Four short art films – by Ana Prvački
A seriously funny look at the social consequences of the pandemic and the lack of bees.

Grab a seat in Norrlandsoperan’s foyer and learn more about the critically-acclaimed Serbian artist Ana Prvački, who is now living in Berlin. With her background in music, mask design, architecture and beekeeping, she is an unusually versatile artist who creates art in a variety of formats, not least performance and video. At the Re-Think Festival we have the pleasure of screening four short films by Ana: the Pandemic Trilogy, where she presents solutions to some of the problems that have arisen in the wake of the pandemic, and Hand Pollination Glove, where she demonstrates how a glove can be used to pollinate flowers in the absence of bees.

In the words of the artist herself: “I commit to making my work as round as the earth and my performances as compressed as water. I aim for pedagogical meme pollination and maximum viewer titillation”.

Norrlandsoperans foyer

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Titel: Re–Think festivalen


Burn Time:
60 kr
Alone Together:
60 kr
Memory Lab:
60 kr
60 kr
Yasuke :
60 kr
Flying Data:
60 kr
Övriga akter:
0 kr

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